Forest (an intertwining)

ForestĀ (an intertwining) is a sound installation that can also be a backdrop to a live performance, as shown in the above video (featuring Laura Cocks). Visitors to the installation can also participate in it with their mobile devices.

The installation creates a forest of sounds; creatures and groups of organisms become music, interacting with each other in an evolving mixture of ways: symbiosis, conflict, indifference, support, imitation, competition. These sounds are generated through Pure Data patches which can be run through professional audio equipment, but also on a browser by other devices. Thus, a rich and dense aural tapestry can be created by bringing laptops, tablets, phones and bluetooth speakers into the space, each adding their own qualities to the sounds. The soundscape is constantly evolving, never repeating.

The forest is a fantastical one; unlike a real forest, porpoises, bristlecone pines, gingkoes, wombats, pelicans, destroying angels, scorpions and many more live side by side here. The sounds do not mimic these creatures, but represent the many different ways of living and living together. Inspirations behind this work include Anna Tsing, Donna Haraway, Timothy Morton and Steven Feld.

Here is a longer demonstration video:


For a full installation or performance, Forest requires 4+ channels and 4+ other internet and audio-enabled devices (phones, laptops, etc.).

For an ad hoc installation, Forest requires 6+ audio-enabled devices.

Each device should access this link. This QR code can also be used, and made available in the space for visitors to access the link quickly:
QR code for Forest (an intertwining)

(Sometimes, on first click, the page will read "file.0". If this happens, click again. This will be fixed soon.)

The professional audio channels should use the Pure Data patch available here. Multiple instances of the patch should be run; each will require a separate copy of Pure Data. The GUI features a channel selector; each patch should use a different pairing of channels (e.g. if 4 channels are available, up to 6 patches can be run: 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 2+3, 2+4, 3+4).

Human performers can use the Max patch available here to guide their improvisations.